
Actions - API Integrators

API integrations are critical business assets while designing a business process or an automation. These integrators help streamline processes, increase productivity, and speed business insight development by enabling fast and governed access to business data and services.

API integrations within the SAP Low Code No Code (SAP LCNC) product suite are called Actions. This case study highlights the creation of Actions from a technical citizen developer point of view.

The overall design of Actions is aligned to the Fiori product design language.

Business Context

  • Actions is the primary integrator across SAP LCNC Product suite.

  • The end users of Actions is a technical citizen developer. This is a new product persona type and was an intersection between citizen and full stack developers. The technical expertise of the users were thus varied.

  • Actions module is being shipped incrementally as a part of SAP Low code No code product suite (SAP LCNC). The first release was met with a huge success with the SAP Partners and Customers. User feedback predicts 80% increase in adoption for existing SAP LCNC customers

  • Overall the project required close collaboration with the PM, Engg teams and other lead designer within SAP LCNC to ensure consistency within the SAP LCNC product suite.

Discovering how user configure API integrators

A detailed competitive analysis of competitors tools showed very interesting patterns of creating API components. 13 users were interviewed to capture the mental model of API component configuration. This gave insights in structuring the information architechture of the application.

Rapid prototyping and validating it with the end users was the key to the design evolution. Clickable prototypes uncovered users needs and expectations. It also helped in simplifying the design overtime. 

An enthusiastic group of end users were onboarded to be involved in continous exploration and validation of the concepts.

    Design Evolution

    Version 1
    Version 1
    Version 2
    Version 2
    Version 3 (Final)
    Version 3 (Final)



    Predicted increase in Adoption


    User Research Driven Enhancements

